Friday, July 8, 2016

Our First Family Camping Trip

Our first family camping trip, and it was a good one! We stayed one night at Fletcher View Campground at Mt. Charleston, with a gorgeous view of the mountains and a restroom just a short walk away. Activities included running around and squealing in our tent, playing with trucks in the dirt, painting rocks, throwing rocks into a gully, playing board games, cooking hotdogs and s'mores on the campfire, and drinking a bit of wine.

This was one of the last dates of the summer that we could reserve this campsite in advance. In mid-July when it becomes Las Vegas' "Monsoon Season" (a term that is hard to take seriously), you cannot camp there if there is rain in the forecast. Fletcher View Campground is in a flood plain, and it was a bit creepy to see the evidence of how high the water flows through there when it rains!

Jude says he would like to go camping again, and I wouldn't mind going to the same campsite. Who could resist going up to the mountain where the breeze is cool and you actually need a jacket at night, while Vegas sweats in 106 degree heat?

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